Even with the best quality pools, leaks are likely to happen. Over time, the vinyl material in your pools will go through wear and tear as fluctuating water chemistry, pool activity, and environmental conditions can contribute to the liner tearing and can result in leaks. If you suspect that a leak has occurred, the team at J&M Pool Company can handle the problem of detecting the leak and creating a solution to manage it. To learn what is involved with the leak detection process, take a look at these steps. Some are DIY, while others are more complex and may require the work of a professional pool maintenance and repair service: 

An Increase in Your Water Bill 

One of the best ways to detect a leak is by looking at your monthly water bill. If you’re keeping a close eye on the cost and notice an increasing spike in your charges, it could be due to a pool leak. This can also contribute to a rise in your electricity bill as pool components like your pump and filter will have to work overtime to compensate for the increased water consumption. 

Looking for the Signs 

Whether you’ve decided to do your own inspection or enlist the help of a professional pool company, there are some signs that you may want to look for to detect a leak. 

For example, air bubbles coming out of the return system, cracks within the pool area, inconsistent pH, a sinking pool deck, and wet spots around your pool can all reveal potential leaks. Your pool servicing company will likely be looking for these elements as they inspect your pool and the surrounding area. 


Your pool servicing and maintenance company will likely perform tests to detect a pool leak during your pool inspection. They may conduct the following test: 

  • Dye Test – Someone may apply dye to the possible area of the leak. If the dye quickly dissipates or is sucked down, the pool could have a leak. 
  • Bucket Test – This process involves filling up a bucket with pool water, putting it on the first or second step of the pool, placing a piece of duct tape on the outside of the bucket, and returning 24 hours later. If the water is lower than the tape, there is likely a leak. 
  • Pressure Test – This test is a bit more complex and will likely need to be done by a professional pool maintenance and servicing company. The professional will use a pressure testing rig to test if the pool lines hold pressure. If they don’t, a leak may be present. 

Planning for a Repair 

Once you and the pool maintenance and servicing company have identified the leak, it’s time to strategize the repair. This situation will depend on the cause of the leak. For example, a filter leak is straightforward to fix, whereas a more significant issue like a crack in the vinyl may result in a more extensive repair. The team at J&M Pool Company offers a comprehensive leak detection service that can get to the bottom of why your pool water may be disappearing. If you need assistance in identifying a leak, our team can help; schedule a consultation with us today